Do the Dang Thing (How to overcome perfectionist procrastination to accomplish your goals)1/20/2023 Hey there, fellow procrastinators of the world! Are you feeling stuck in a rut of indecision and hesitation? Are you constantly putting things off because of that pesky voice in your head saying, "it's not good enough yet"? Well, I'm here to tell you (from my own personal struggle with perfectionistic procrastination) that it's time we embrace the messy middle and just Do the Dang Thing! Now, I know it's easier said than done. Trust me, as someone who has struggled with perfectionistic procrastination for my whole life, I totally get it. But let's be real, perfection is just an illusion. It doesn't exist in the real world, and it's simply holding us back from achieving our goals. So, let's make a pact to stop letting perfectionism hold us back. Let's get back to our roots, back to how we all are before perfectionism takes hold. Where should we look to? To help us on our journey, let's take a cue from the ultimate pros at just getting started: babies. Babies take their first steps with no knowledge of what it's going to look like, they just know they want to walk. So they try, they fall and they get back up, over and over again until they are walking and then soon running. They don't let those falls deter them for their goal of MOVING FORWARD. They go for it without fear. And that's the key to it: the more we take those first steps, the more easily we'll be able to get up when we fall. The point is, it doesn't matter how many times we fall--what matters is if we get back up. And the only way to guarantee failure is if we don't try. So, let's put aside those feelings of fear about what our first step might look like. Embrace the messiness. It's part of the process. Let's put ourselves out there! let's be messy! Let's stumble and fall and laugh at ourselves as we wipe the dust from our knees and try again. The key is: we just have to start, and everything else will fall into place. It's time to stop letting perfectionism hold us back. Let's normalize the messy middle. It's time to Do the Dang Thing, messy first steps and all. The world is waiting for us to put ourselves out there. So let's get moving, and don't forget to laugh at ourselves along the way. After all, it's all just one big, hilarious, messy, beautiful journey. Are you with me? For more on this topic, be sure to listen to my podcast episode: Do the Dang Thing. And don't forget to follow The Friend In Your Ear Pod on your favorite podcast player to get more motivational episodes for free .
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AuthorWife. WFH mom to a 4 year old (& Boston Terrier!) All about fitness for stress-relief, yummy food for fuel, and all the shortcuts that allow us to still be healthy while saving time since life is busy enough as it is. Writing about momlife, health, and life hacks as I take on this adventure called life. Hi, I'm Luna. Categories