Pregnancy is not at all like it's represented on TV. Perhaps you are a smart cookie and you already knew this, but for the vast majority of the population (myself included), that's our only real exposure to what it's supposed to be like until we experience it first-hand (unless you are someone who does their research, which I was least not until I found out I was pregnant and then I hungrily read any book I could get on the subject.)
So for the sake of transparency, here is a list of 10 things I had no clue would be part of the experience of pregnancy, until I was already pregnant. 1. The beginning of pregnancy feels exactly like PMS. (Hello cramps, bloating, & crying at commercials!) 2. Extreme fatigue is a common symptom (You’re growing a human inside you, so it makes sense.) 3. Your boobs are going to hurt A LOT in the 1st trimester (And your SO will want to touch them all the time because they’ve gotten bigger, which is kind of a cruel joke for them because between the pain and hormones it’s “All Hands OFF Deck!”)
AuthorWife. WFH mom to a 4 year old (& Boston Terrier!) All about fitness for stress-relief, yummy food for fuel, and all the shortcuts that allow us to still be healthy while saving time since life is busy enough as it is. Writing about momlife, health, and life hacks as I take on this adventure called life. Hi, I'm Luna. Categories